Sage Kissiah-Grove

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Birth & Postpartum Doula
Port Orchard, Washington
18 years of experience
About me

I am a full spectrum birthworker with a passion for supporting the BIPGM and 2slgbtqia+ communities. I believe everyone deserves support and offer my services as sliding scale for all those who need it. I specialize in holistic, traditional care that is backed by evidence, bringing head, heart, body, and soul into use when helping support my clients, no matter where in their reproductive process they are.

Certification and training

Whole Body Pregnancy CBE (2021)

bebomia Maternal Support Practitioner (2022)

Memberships and affiliations


Doulas 4 All Coalition

Treasured Art of Birth

Aromatherapy Belly Binding Birth and Lactation Birth Doula Birth Support Breastfeeding Consultation Childbirth Education Contraception and Family Planning Doula Trainer Evidence-Based Care Exclusive Pumping/Bottle Feeding Family Planning Freebirth HAES (Health at Every Size) Approach Herbal Postpartum Care High Risk and Low Intervention Obstetrical Care High-Risk Pregnancy Home Birth Labor Doula LGBTQ+ Loss and Bereavement Doula Low Milk Supply/Over Supply Natural Birth Natural Childbirth Naturopathic Medicine Newborn Care Newborn Photography Postpartum Adjustment Postpartum Care Postpartum Doula Care Postpartum Life Returning to work (pumping, breastmilk storage, etc) Sexual Dysfunction Sexual Health Sexual Issues Sibling Preparation Support during Labor, Birth, and Postpartum Support in Pregnancy Loss Teenagers Toddlers Tweens Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Vaginal Steam Water birth


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Service introduction

I provide traditional, evidence backed care; affirming care for BIPGM and the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities; and financially attainable sliding scale support.

Package One
Two prenatals to help you plan and prepare for childbirth; ongoing phone and email based support from time of hire until 6 weeks postpartum; on call labor support from 36 weeks until baby arrives; labor support from the time you request me until 1-2 hours post baby's arrival; postpartum check in a few days after baby's arrival to the hospital.
USD Flat rate
Ratings and reviews
# of Reviews

I recently reconnected with Sage and she asked me to post a review, since I was the very first birth she ever attended. Sage wasn't a doula when she was there for my kids births, she was just a friend who had given birth before, and who offered to support me when I was young, inexperienced and alone. I had a boyfriend, but they were his first kids too and we were both scared. Between us asking her to be at the birth, and me going into labor the first time, she learned so so much about birth and postpartum and taught me so much. I didn't go to a birth class but I felt way more prepared one she started sharing what she'd learned. When the time came, and I was in labor, I told her and she drove from Atascadero to San Diego, made the 6 hour drive in 5 hours, and was with us for the hardest part of the birth. I still wonder if I could have done it without her help and I really don't think so. Having her there with me was so helpful that I even asked her to be there for my son a few years later, and asked her to go to a friend's birth as well. I'm really glad that she's doing this now, even if it took her 15 years before she decided to do it. I'm so glad we reconnected and I could share this, and I'm so proud to be the very first birth she attended and supported.

- Des T.

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